Kelly LeBrock and Gene Wilder in The Woman in Red (1984)

Kelly LeBrock and Gene Wilder in a promo still for The Woman in Red (1984)

San Francisco, California. Without a doubt, doting family man Theodore Pierce only has eyes for his caring wife. But Pierce doesn’t know he wants a dash of adventure in his uneventful existence. After all, things happen, people change, and being faithful as a dog can be tiring. And then, in the company’s quiet underground parking lot, a statuesque brunette bombshell in a billowy silk dress catches Theodore’s eye. Tall and effortlessly sexy, the leggy temptress has an irreversible, life-altering effect on the unguarded man. Now, tame Theodore is Teddy, and he craves more. But it’s been ages since Teddy played the delightfully addictive game of love. And as Teddy embarks on an exciting, four-week quest to taste the forbidden fruit, he’s about to find himself neck-deep in trouble. Is Teddy prepared to put everything on the line for the mysterious woman in red?

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